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Chop Shop Merch Live URL

Chop Shop — View Client
Chop Shop is the eCommerce side of all things Chopping Block. Its main product tends to be tshirts, but more goodies are planned for the coming years.
Chop Shop’s main source of inspiration are all things nerdy or geeky. However, that definition has broad interpretations and is defined by the obsessive nature of our culture rather than simply appealing to math and programing nerds. For us, you're a geek if you can recite all the Beatles albums in chronological order as well as if you know the difference between actionscript and javascript.
Our initial line of products focused on the "designerd" community and even carried a tshirt with “designerd” emblazoned across it in script. Later, Chop Shop struck pay-dirt with its “weRobot” celebrity robots tshirt which was featured on blogs from to your Uncle’s family blog. The silhouette concept has branched out to rock stars, fantasy and more. Live URL

Consolidated Theaters — View Client
2007 WEB
Chopping Block was asked to continue the web re-branding of Consolidated’s family of theaters with their flagship chain located in Hawaii. The central goal of this site was to apply the same good logic established with the Angelika sites, with an elegant Hawaiian flavor that does not come-off as an over-reach to the average tourist.
Me Ra Koh Live URL

Me Ra Koh — View Client
2009 WEB
Me Ra Koh is on a mission to empower women through photography. The Chopping Block provided a new look and feel for her Wordpress blog as well as an elegant and simple brand identity. The final deliverable was a complete Wordpress theme, so final launch was simply turning on her new theme.
Save the Date for Phish 8 Live URL

Phish — View Client
2009 WEB
The goal of “Save the Date” was reveal where the long awaited next Phish Festival would be held – the first since the band disbanded back in ‘04. This was done by presenting users with an open map of the US and over time remove states not in the running with some kind of bizarre animation. First to go were New Hampshire, Idaho and West Virginia by having what seemed to be some kind of national cardiac arrest and they expired. Many more were to follow with strange eliminations such as getting blown off the map by God himself (image at top) to being flipped to death by a squid-headed Vanna White.
Phish IT DVD

Phish — View Client
This was a complete design of the Phish IT festival DVD, which extended our overall identity design for the festival iteself. The DVD design involved interactive menus, introduction animation and all materials involved in the 2-disc DVD print package.
Rachael Ray Official Site Live URL

Rachael Ray — View Client
Before working with the Chopping Block, Rachael Ray’s web presence was broken up into many different parts. The Chopping Block helped Rachael Ray to establish herself as an individual commercial entity online, creating an official site apart from her Food Network show, daytime talk show and other various publications. This new website has now surpassed the other Rachael Ray franchise sites and has in-effect become the new go to site for all things Rachael Ray.
In 2009, the site was re-designed with an all new front end and a very active and popular blog.
In 2009, the site was re-designed with an all new front end and a very active and popular blog.
Turkey Bowling Live URL

TBS — View Client
The game is based upon an episode of the TBS original series “Ten Items or Less” and apparently something people who work at grocery stores are actually known to do after-hours. Using the newest 3-D technology available to Flash known as Papervision, Chopping Block was able to simulate both the visual of a grocery market isle as well as the physics of real turkey bowling!
We invite anyone to compare it to the real thing.
We invite anyone to compare it to the real thing.
The Happiness Project Toolbox Live URL

The Happiness Project — View Client
Gretchen Rubin has made a name for herself in the arena of happiness with her blog. Timed to be released in conjunction with her first major publication, the toolbox puts many of her theories to work in the form of a social network that anyone can participate in.
The Chopping Block was asked to not only execute the designs, but was brought on early in the stages of building an overall concept. We helped to define each of the modules and in some cases worked to expand their usefulness as well as creating some intentional limitations. HPT is a network with purpose, so limitations can be as important as flexibility in many ways.
No! Interactive CD/ROM Archive URL

They Might Be Giants — View Client
“No!” was the first album by They Might Be Giants specifically geared for children. Chopping Block created the entire identity and a whole imaginary world for “No!” to exist in. In addition to that work, the interactive portion of the project was also designed, programmed and fully conceptualized by The Chopping Block.
14 of the CDs 18 songs were fully animated and most had an interactive component. In keeping with They Might Be Giants bizarre world-view, the interactive parts stay true to what is happening in the lyrics. For example, in “Fibber Island” a real house and dog become a house made of pie with the dog two-miles wide. Perhaps the key moment on the disc is when the user is able to sort through quarter segments of George Washington’s head which culminates in four segmented presidential heads of Mount Rushmore in “Violin”.
No! Cd Case

They Might Be Giants — View Client
“No!” was the first album by They Might Be Giants specifically geared for children. The Chopping Block created the entire identity and a whole imaginary world for “No!” to exist in. The print material was actually based upon the creative work executed for the interactive CD/ROM included on the disc. Most of the illustrations that adorn the booklet along with the lyrics are re-drawn scenes from the interactive portion of the project also designed, programmed and conceptualized by The Chopping Block.
Dilbert Identity Live URL

United Media — View Client
Finally, the original icon of office humor will finally have an official logo for all his TPS reports. Working in cooperation with the creator Scott Adams and United Media, The Chopping Block developed the new look for the legendary comic to help establish a brand beyond the well known characters of the strip. As if the Sunday comic pages were not enough, the new identity will start appearing across a large variety of Dilbert merchandise from calendars to mugs to pretty much anything you can imagine a logo could fit on.